Thursday, January 29, 2009

28th January 2009

My little angel was looking a lot better today. She has managed to rub her chin and in doing so has rubbed off some of her sores. It’s okay though because it’s the dried up bits.
She is now weighing 2168gms or 4.7 pounds. She is on about 21ml of milk every 6 hours and is steadily increasing. She had some more time off her TPN today which is going really well. Once her levels of her cpap go down they are going to try and put her on low flow oxygen for about half and hour and try and feed her a bottle. She is sucking fine but they have to make sure she swallows okay. Fingers crossed this all goes well!!
I’m on cake making duties again tonight, we have to take a cake in for her reaching 2kg. Well they actually said 2 cakes, 1 for each kg. She is nearly at her due date so I think the nurses might get some special goodies from us next week.

1 comment:

mummaguts said...

wow, over 3 months now and over 2kg. you guys have come SO FAR. pat yourselves on the back. i love seeing your updates.