Friday, January 23, 2009

22nd January 2009

Well today I got a phone call from the unit. It was a bit unexpected. Trinity has got some sores on her face and it has spread under her chin and on other parts of her body. They aren’t sure what it is so they’ve put her in isolation so that other babies don’t get infected by it. When we got there she was still in the same place but they’ve put up a white screen. Anybody that goes in must wear a gown or an apron and gloves. Well that’s what the sign said. But it was just me and Antz so we had to just wash our hands every time we entered in and out. It’s not as bad as it makes out. She is still alert and having feeds and doing what she normally does, like pulling out tubes but she just has sores on her face and body. So for the meantime we aren’t having visitors until she gets better.

1 comment:

ramekaclan said...

heya fanau.
yah for the jobbies what was ants response when he saw her all dressed?!would be good to see a pic up when ya can, thats one more step Trinity has made!!, knowing her and her traits she was probably sick of being in the nud! lol.. let us know about the spots n stuff too, Pati AND my moko have both been in on the drip for a few days with nasty staph infections, looking goodnow though.bluddy heck, if it not asthma it sumthing else..anyway,, keep doing what ya doing trin!!!