Tuesday, February 24, 2009

23rd February 2009

Today was a big day for my little girl. She had her eye test at 7am and when I arrived at 10am we went down to the Nuclear Medicine department for her HIDA scan. It looked quite funny because it was a bed that an adult would lie on for a MRI or something similar, and there was this tiny little baby on the end of it. She was really good, she was starving but she behaved. Whoever invented the dummy is a genius. I don’t know how I survived all of my other 3 children without using 1. The test took ages but it went really well and they seemed to be pleased with it. They had to squirt some stuff into her veins and then look at her liver through a special camera. It looked really cool and it kinda looked like the milky way with lots of little dots.
When I got back I was told that she was going to have laser surgery for her eyes tomorrow because they were getting worse. 1 was worse than the other so they needed something done now rather than wait. It wasn’t new information we knew that she would probably end up having this it was just a matter of when. It will be done at around 7.30am so I definitely won’t be going in for that.
I know she will be in very capable hands so I won’t have anything to worry about.

22nd February 2009

Today I went in with Aunty Freda and Uncle Steve and Antz stayed home to cook tea and hang out with the kids. Yay a break for me!! It has been nearly 1 month since they have seen baby, so it’s their first visit to the new unit.
We were there in time for her feed and to do her cares, so Aunty Freda got to feed her a bottle and I completely stripped down and changed her bed. She drunk about 20mls for Freda and was wide awake which was really good.
We were there for about 4 hours and baby was really settled and calm. Typical of her to behave for her aunty and uncle and misbehave when we are there.

21st February 2009

Yay it’s the weekend at last. My feet hurt from working last night and I’m tired because I didn’t go to bed until after 1am.
We all went in again and the kids took in their mp3 players and their drawing and colouring in books. Devante drew a picture of a zombie and gave it to Corinne and told her it was her self-portrait. I don’t think she was too impressed!!
We finally caught up with the doctor today. Trinity’s bone scan was fine and there is nothing wrong with the length of her bones and her poor growth is a metabolic and nutritional issue not a bone one. Phew! At least we can rule that out and they can work on getting her bigger and stronger. There is still some tests to be done to rule out cystic fibrosis. She is having an x-ray test on Monday, it’s not your typical x-ray though and it takes about 2 and a half hours. The patients are supposed to lie still for the procedure so I don’t know how that is going to work with her.

20th February 2009

Today was your typical Wellington day, pouring down with rain!! So Antz didn’t go to work because he probably would’ve drowned in the rain.
We were in there for most of the day so we got to give baby a bath and spend quite a few hours with her. Nimeesha helped give her a bottle and pick out her clothes.
The genetics lady and the dietician were in the unit looking at baby’s notes and skeletal scans. We didn’t end up catching up with them because they took too long and we had to get the boys from school. Hopefully we can just find out from the doc’s on the weekend what the findings were.
There is rugby on tonight at the stadium so it’s my first night back at work. It feels strange going to work after not working for so long.

Sunday, February 22, 2009

19th February 2009

Today we had our visit and then Mum rang me to say my cousin and Aunty from Levin were down. I just told Mum to take them in because we had been in. Mum said Trinity had just had her feed and was awake and upset with her reflux and the nurse wouldn’t let Mum pick her up. So I’ve told Mum if that happens again to just pick her up and tell them to ring me if they have a problem with it. I could understand if she was asleep but she was wide awake and upset.
The doctors were there while mum was there and they were trying to work out what to do because baby isn’t growing fast enough for them and she gets tired easy when she is trying to have her bottle. It’s easy to see why she gets tired. She is still so small. We still haven’t caught up with the doctors so hopefully we can on the weekend.
There was a nice article in our other local newspaper today, the Citylife. It was really nice and I’m glad it came out the way it did. There was a person I forgot to thank though, that was doctor Jeremy Tuohey. He was the doctor that did my scan and picked up the placental problems in the first place.

18th February 2009

We all went into the hospital today. The kids just spend all their time walking in and out and finding cups to get drinks of water.
One of our friends that was in the old unit was back for their son’s operation. It was good to see them and see how much he had grown in a few short weeks.
Corinne was calling us all trouble as usual and Antz spent more time in their room than in the room with baby. And he says I talk a lot, whatever!!!
Baby was a bit unsettled when it was time for us to leave because of her reflux so we left her in the nurses capable hands.

February 17th 2009

Today is darts day so I took my Mum in again. She got to have a nice long hold with her. She hasn’t had a hold of baby before so today was her first time. She kept asking me if I wanted a hold but I just let her have her. I get to hold her every day.
She was good today, didn’t complain too much after her feed, but it helps with her dummy because it makes it not as sore when she has her reflux.
My daughter has been having quite a few tests lately but we couldn’t get any answers as to what they are for and why, hopefully tomorrow we catch the doctors on their rounds so we can ask them.
There was an article in our local newspaper the Kapi Mana today, so I took in a copy for the nurses and doctors to keep. Everybody has been texting and ringing and commenting on the nice article and picture. It’s the first picture actually of me, Antz and baby by ourselves.

Monday, February 16, 2009

16th February 2009

Today me and Nimeesha caught the shuttle van in from Keneperu Hospital. She was buzzing out all the way there because it wasn’t our car and she got to sit right at the back by the window that opens. Then she was freaking out even more because the shuttle van door opens by a push of a button. It’s amazing what amuses kids. It was really nice going in by shuttle though because we got dropped off right outside the building and didn’t have far to go at all.
We got there in time for her 1pm feeding so Nimeesha held her while I gave her the bottle. She had about 10mls and then decided she was tired. So the rest was through the NGT. She had her feed and then for about 1 hour afterwards I had to hold her up because she was sore from her reflux. She didn’t vomit at all but you could see it was still very sore. My poor girl. She has started having medication for it, but it’s not just going to make it go away in a day or two.

15th February 2009

Sunday, visiting day for the kids. All of our kids haven’t been to see their sister for quite some time now so we thought we’d take them all in. They all got to have a nice long hold of her as well, my 4 year old Nimeesha buzzed out because she was holding her without me helping.
The kids enjoyed the new unit and it was nice to have them in the lounge right next to the room instead of outside the unit. At least we can see if they are behaving or not. Oh and of course by daughter got taken into the staff room by Cheryl to find the stash of chocolate. She was very impressed. I think the new unit is a lot friendlier for families to visit, it may not look it but it is quite cozy and relaxed.

14th February 2009

Well today is valentines day!!! Oh how sweet, whatever!! We haven’t really ever done the whole valentines thing before so this year was definitely not going to be any different. We did go out to watch rugby at the stadium so I don’t know whether that counts as a date. Thanks Classic Hits for the tickets!! It was a stink night of rugby but an awesome night out.
My daughter is just chugging along and doing her thing. We went in before we went to the rugby to bathe her and give her her feed. She got a bit too tired trying the bottle but at least we made an attempt. She has about 10mls and then tuckers out so the rest of her feed is by NGT (nasal gastric tube). We just have to keep persevering with the bottle, the sooner she takes it the sooner she comes home.

Friday, February 13, 2009

13th February 2009

Well it’s Friday the 13th today, but we have had no bad luck what so ever. My daughter made page 3 of the dominion post and then I was interviewed on Classic Hits Radio Station. They just wanted to talk about how special she was to be the first baby in the unit and how little she started out in life. They have also emailed me the audio of the interview so I can keep it to play for her when she is a big girl.
We have so many people to thank for her survival. When we were only given a 50% chance of her surviving we never thought we would ever get to day 105! She certainly has attitude and is a fighter but without today’s technology and equipment she wouldn’t even be with us today. Thanks to everybody that has played a huge part in her life.
I know that when she is older and hears all the stories about her, she too will be so grateful for her “storm” of a beginning.

12th February 2009

Today is what I will call “Trinity-Storm’s Day”. It was the scheduled move for the new unit today and my daughter was the star of the show. There was film crew and newspaper reporters everywhere. They couldn’t move her down the corridor because they were all in her space. We weren’t allowed to go in until all the babies were finished so we only got to see it on the TV and in the papers. You can go onto the TV 3 website and have a look at the old news footage and see her on there. Me and Antz also got interviewed later that afternoon when we went in to visit her. So we got a bit of fame too, but it was all about her. She was the first baby to enter into the unit and she did what she does best, she had a bradycardia in the new link tunnel so everybody had to stop until she decided to breathe again. That is so typical of her to make everybody pay her all the attention. She loves attention my little bubba.
The Kapi Mana newspaper also turned up along with the dominion post to interview us. So next week she will be in the Citylife and Kapi Mana newspapers. My daughter is making sure her presence is known to everybody. Well right from the start she has always been our little performer.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

11th February 2009

Tomorrow is the big moving day for the unit. They are moving to the brand new part of the hospital which is all rather exciting. We got to go over and have a sneak peek of the unit, oh my gosh it’s so amazing. Anyway I was paid a visit today by some media people and they want to alert the media about Trinity. She has the privilege of being the first baby that will go over to the new unit and because she is over 100 days old they would like to let everybody know about it. I was absolutely fine with that of course. My baby is going to be a superstar!!
They also had like a little closing ceremony or like a closing blessing of the unit today and we were part of that. I held Trinity, 1 nurse had her monitor and another with the oxygen tank. It was rather special that we were a part of that ceremony. It is going to be kind of sad to leave the old unit but it’s a big step forward in my baby’s life and we can only look forward to bigger and brighter things in the new unit. We don’t plan on being there for long but long enough to enjoy the new surroundings. I know that so many more babies are going to be able to benefit from the new unit and I know the staff will continue to do what they do best. I can’t thank them enough for what they have done for my daughter and family.

10th February 2009

Well what a surprise to see my daughter after a few days, she is in a big cot and is now off the cpap and is only on low flow oxygen. She has been having attempts at a bottle which is good because I’ve given up expressing and the whole breast feeding. 3 months is a long time to express and I just can’t do it any longer, I’m tiring myself out too much. She’s had all the good stuff for the first 3 months so I’ve done what I can.
Anyway when she heard my voice she dropped her bottom lip and was doing a bit of a sob cry. She missed her mama. I got her out for a nice long cuddle and she kept giving me the one eyed look while poking her tongue out. We also made the big move from Room C into Room 6. Wow I can’t believe we are in the numbered rooms now. It’s a big step for us.

6th February - 9th February 2009

RAGGAMUFFIN!!!!! Well what can I say awesome weekend awesome concert! I am going back again next year for sure.
The hospital staff informed me that my daughter was very well cared for by her aunty and uncle, they were scrutinizing every thing they were doing to her!! They actually called them watchdogs!! I think her uncle is very protective of her. So look out anybody that hurts her when she is older. On Sunday the 9th baby actually turned 100 days old. Her uncle got to have a hold of her but only because he moaned that her aunty got a hold the day before. They should feel privileged because they are the first ones in the family to get a hold.
I just want to say a special thanks to them for looking after her, it was a bit of peace of mind for us to know that she wasn’t left on her own.

5th February 2009

Well all my daughter did today was sleep. We got there before her feed and she was asleep. Then she had her feed and she was asleep. She did open her eyes a couple of times and then she had a bit of reflux so she woke up had a bit of a gag and then went back to sleep. Rather boring isn’t it.
Tomorrow Antz and I are running away for the weekend. We are going to Rotovegas!!!! We are going up there for the Raggamuffin concert. I’m excited I cant wait. This will be our only chance of escape before our little princess comes home. We have left our daughter in capable hands with her aunty Freda and uncle Steve. They will go in every day and visit her for us.

4th February 2009

Well not much has changed from yesterday, she is just doing her thing, sleeping eating and growing. If she goes well then soon she will be on the low flow oxygen and off cpap. Which will mean she goes into a big cot like a big girl. She is 96 days old today so she is an old girl. Well the other baby that was born before her has finally gone home, so she is the oldest baby in there at the moment.

3rd February 2009

Well my little big girl had an attempt at breast feeding today. It was rather funny because she was absolutely starving so she couldn’t get it into her mouth fast enough. She worked herself up so much that she got tired. She coped really well on low flow oxygen though and was on it for about half an hour. I just have to keep trying with her and see how she goes. My milk supply is pretty low, well actually we ran out of milk for her today, so they have to start giving her pepti junior milk. This is partly digested so it is a bit easier for her to tolerate. Whatever I can get out I take in every day and she has that in between feeds.

2nd February 2009

Okay I have been slack with the whole blog thing lately, but I don't seem to have any time to do anything at the moment. After 3 months of travelling backwards and forwards it can get a bit tiresome. But hey we do what we need to do because we love our daughter.
Anyway today is her official due date and she is finally out of the isolation room. She is doing extremely well considering what she has been through and now we are just playing the waiting game.