Tuesday, November 25, 2008

25th November 2008

Today was a very quick visit with my girl. By the time I got there it was 11.30am and the doctors were putting a longline into her arm. That was going to take about 40 minutes, so I thought I’d go and stock up her milk supply.
The longline was getting put in her arm which would mean she would now have 2. It is apparently to make it easier to give her fluids and medications, because she needs so much.
By the time I was finished and the doctors had finished I got about 10 minutes with her. She looked really comfortable and Darcy said they were going to try and put her on CPAP tomorrow and give me a cuddle. Fingers crossed for that as I haven’t had a cuddle yet.

24th November 2008

My baby girl looked so much better today. She hardly desaturated at all during our whole visit. Darcy (our good male nurse) reckons that it was because he was looking after her. Whatever Darcy!!
Big news today, she had her first taste of breast milk. She is starting off on 1ml every 4 hours!! Yay!! It will take about 24 hours to see if she can tolerate it. But she’ll just keep having it anyway.
Hopefully her having this will line her tummy and then she can go onto CPAP. Overall she’s had a good day and is getting stronger and bigger all the time.

23rd November 2008

Our kids ditched us again today and went to their aunty and uncle’s house.
My daughter was looking a bit like her old self today. She wasn’t as puffy and looked a bit more comfortable. They’d changed her breathing tube because apparently it was in the wrong place. Now we know why she was a bit pissed off for the last couple of days. You can always tell when she is unhappy, she screws her face up like Cassius. Everybody reckons she looks like her dad, poor baby!! Eventually she might grow out of it.

22nd November 2008

Today it was just me and Antz visiting our little girl. Well it is Saturday so Cassius had his flag game. After that him and Nimeesha decided they were going to waka ama with their cousins, so Devante went to Adrian’s.
Trinity-Storm was still quite puffy and swollen around her face. But the nurses told us this was all quite normal and was from her surgery.
She was still a bit unsettled but not quite as much as yesterday.
The doctors are hoping that her tummy will settled down so she can start some milk and try to go onto CPAP.

Saturday, November 22, 2008

21st November 2008

Well me and my Mum went in to see my little bubba today. When we got there we met up with her nurse before we went into her room. She said that from now on until baby gets bigger and is stable she can’t have any people touching her other than me and her daddy. She gets very unsettled and her brain starts getting over stimulated and she can’t handle it and doesn’t know how to cope. So for now as well, we are going to limit her visitors until she is better.
Trinity-Storm also has an infection and they don’t know where it has come from. So the less people that visit the better. She was very puffy and swollen everywhere, she didn’t look like my little girl at all. Her morphine was still up but she was still very uncomfortable. When they did a suction some blood came out which was from her lungs. So she was given some medication to try and settle it down.
It’s hard to see her in pain like that knowing there’s nothing we can do for her. Here’s hoping she has a better night and improves tomorrow.

Thursday, November 20, 2008

20th November 2008

Wow day 20 already! Time has seemed to pass us so quickly these last 20 days. But it seems as though we’ve been at the neonates for the last 2 months.
I rang the neonates today to see how my little girl was. I wasn’t expecting to hear anything bad. She had a rough night and day and had started weeing blood. They are thinking this is either a blockage or an infection. They’ve started her on antibiotics for it so at least they can get it early. She was also going up and down with her oxygen and at one point she needed 100%. She’s never needed that much so she’s obviously not a happy little girl.
When Antz got home from work we went in as soon as we could. James (bro in law) came and got our kids for us and Gwen (sis in law) was sorting out tea for them, so that was one less thing for us to worry about. Thanks guys.
When we got there her Aunty Rachel (my sister) was there with her. She wanted to wait for us to come and didn’t want to leave her on her own because she was so unsettled.
She was very jumpy and wouldn’t settle down. Her levels were going up and down quite a bit. She didn’t like any of the nurses touching her and would keep desaturating if they did. She responds okay to us and liked it when her daddy sang to her. She had been given a dose of antibiotics so her suction had been turned off. She was a different shad of colour compared to yesterday and looked generally unwell.
We stayed for a few hours and Paula, 1 of the neonate nurses, managed to settle her before we left. I felt a bit upset leaving her tonight because she looked so ill. I will ring them before I go to sleep to see how she is.
My poor little baby girl.

19th November 2008

Weight today is 720gms. So she has gone down 10gms which is to be expected.
Her colostomy bag had some more stuff in it today and some gas. Yay, good news. Dr Pringle was pleased with her progress and she was looking a lot better. Her tummy was nice and soft so that’s an improvement.
Her daddy went and visited her after work and she is enjoying her daddy time. He sings to her and has little chats.
She got a new roommate today so the room is fast filling up. There are so many people out there that are having premature babies.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

18th November 2008

My baby weighed 730gms today.
When I got to the hospital they told me that because it had been a week and there was nothing in her colostomy bag, she had to go to the fluoroscopy department to have some treatment. So she got packed up again into her little spaceship and off we went over to the new hospital. The doctor put some dye stuff into her stoma - well into the part of the bowel that was sticking out. It was rather fascinating to watch on the x-ray screen. The doctor said it may not work and we would have to go back and do it again. When Jackie the neonates specialist went to put her nappy on all the me conium started oozing out of her gut. It was rather exciting. I took photos of it so if anybody wants to see them then let me know!!
Antz got there just as we had finished out by the time we got back to the neonates she had made a big mess, so he didn’t miss much at all. Because her bed needed to be changed Jackie asked Antz to hold baby up while she changed her bed. He said it didn’t really feel like he was holding much. But it was still rather exciting as it was the first time he got to hold her. I’ll get my turn one day!!
Anyway when we left the hospital we were relived and felt more at ease because we knew she would start feeling better soon.

17th November 2008

Today was Antz’s first day back at work so I had to get up and the kids off to school and kindy. I caught the shuttle into town and back. That was good except the lady is a bit of a crazy driver.
It was weird going to see my baby on my own. But the time goes really quickly when you’re in there.
Baby weighed 700gms today and she was started on physic for her chest secretions. Other than that there were no other changes.

16th November 2008

Weight today is 720gm. I’m pretty sure that will decrease over the next day or so.
We took our kids to the Wellington Christmas parade today and then headed into the hospital. The kids were grumpy, tired and hungry by the time we got there so they only had quick visits.
She had a few visitors today, Tam (Antz’s friend) and his wife Sharita. Sharita is a nurse so I didn’t really have to explain any of the machines and tubes to her.
Uncle Steve and Aunty Freda also came to visit with Shanice and Alisha. I don’t think that the nurses believed Antz and Steve were brothers! Trinity is about the size of Steve’s hand. She tried to grasp onto his finger but his finger was too big.
Her day was pretty up and down as her lungs weren’t working that well. Fingers crossed for change tomorrow.

Saturday, November 15, 2008

15th November 2008

Well Trinity-Storm’s brothers Cassius and Devante and big sister Nimeesha were supposed to come and visit today, but they had other ideas. They decided to ditch us and go to the beach with their Aunty Julia. Little buggers!! L But the plan for tomorrow is to go the Wellington Christmas Parade and then visit her. Then the day isn’t too long for them - only a quick visit is what they need. It’s a bit hard for them when there isn’t much for them to do and it all get’s a bit boring when their baby sister is just lying there. They are probably feeling a bit neglected at the moment as we don’t really spend much time together anymore. Family and friends have been great, especially Adrian and his family. He has been picking up my boys most days from school and having Nimeesha. And it’s great having dinner ready for us when we come home. All the little things really makes a difference for us because by the time we get home we just want to sleep. I do need a house maid though so any volunteers please feel free to come forward!! J
They took out the umbilical line today - obviously from her belly button. This could only stay in for a couple of weeks - any longer and it can cause infection. In a way it’s a good thing, but now the only way they can take bloods is by doing a heel prick. She only has 1 heel available because the other heel is all taped up due to the long line.
My little girl has an attitude and doesn’t like the nurses touching her or looking at her. What a good girl! Her dad reckons it’s the Maori in her, Whatever!! He said if it was the raro in her she would’ve got up and walked out of there by now.
Our daughter weighed 680gm today and we’ve come to the conclusion that it is all fluid retention. Once they sort out her tummy problems then we can get a better idea of how her weight is really increasing.

14th November 2008

Big weight gain - 620gm!! I don’t think that’s right she can’t have gained 70gms overnight. We will see tomorrow what her weight is to get a better idea.
Her iv drip was changed back to her other arm. Because her veins are so little it doesn’t last long so it needs to be constantly changed. Her little hand was swollen from the previous one and I know it’s gotta hurt. She takes after her mummy, poor baby!!
She was rather unsettled since they changed it and I think she was starting to feel the effects from her surgery. She’s gotta be sore, I’m still sore from my surgery and that was 14 days ago. It feels like somebody has kicked me repeatedly in the stomach. Ouch!!
The sacrifices we mothers make for our children!
We thought we better leave our girl to settle hoping they increase
her morphine.

Friday, November 14, 2008

13th November 2008

My baby girl is still very sleepy today. Nothing much in her colostomy bag, well you can call it a poop bag!! She will start on some medication to try and get it moving.
Her Nana, GanGan, cousin Caleb and big sister Nimeesha visited her today. Her GanGan has been proudly showing off pictures of her to his customers when he does his deliveries. I don’t think people realise how little she is until the see the picture of her by the pen!!
But she now weighs 550gm so fingers crossed she doesn’t stay little for long.

12th November 2008

Not a lot of change from yesterday. She is still pretty sleepy and is still having morphine. You should see the size of the bloody syringe!!!
I spend a lot of my time expressing milk for her (which is all us mums are good for) and she hasn’t even had any of it yet.
Her freezer drawer is full - there’s enough milk to feed all the babies in the neonates. Gotta watch Gracie’s mum, Angela, I’m sure she’s swapping labels on me!!! :)

11th November 2008

My little girl had her operation today. We got to the hospital around 10am, we picked up my Mum along the way. By the time we got there she was in a little plastic bag looking thing designed to keep babies warm. They transported her over to theatre in a moveable incubator called “the spaceship”. It was really quite hard to see her that way and I couldn’t really get too close or I was gonna lose the plot. Antz almost did and 1 of the nurses was going to get the brunt of it.
She eventually went to theatre and was in there for a couple of hours, it seemed like forever. But we do what we do best and ate to bide our time.
When she eventually came out of theatre she looked a lot calmer than when she went in, I think it must’ve been the morphine!!
She takes after her dad!! Little junky!! She was pretty zonked out and they said she would stay like that for the next couple of days.
Dr Pringle was pleased with the operation and told us the results would be back within 48 hours as to why she was blocked up.
Dr Pringle is amazing!!!

10th November

Trinity-Storm had another contrast study for her abdomen today. It showed that a stoma has formed so my little baby girl is going to need surgery to get a colostomy bag put in. Dr Pringle the surgeon will create an opening to allow her colon to empty the contents into the bag. Sounds nice huh!!!

Thursday, November 13, 2008

9th November 2008

Trinity-Storm has lost 10gms and is at 480gms. She has been taken off the continuous suction and is just having it done 4 hourly now. Everything else remains the same.

8th November 2008

My baby now has a name!!! Her name is Trinity-Storm. Daddy was determined that she was going to have Storm in there somewhere so I picked Trinity. Although she still gets called Thumbelina and Peanut!!
She had her final heart scan today and everything is normal!! What a relief.
She has started on antibiotics because she has a small infection. Other than that everything is still the same.

7th November 2008

My little baby girl has now put on more weight and is at 480gms. Yay my baby gonna be a Buddha soon.
Today wasn’t a very good day for my little girl though. They tried to extubate her onto what they call CPAP. This stands for continuous positive airways pressure. What that means is that baby does most of the breathing on her own and this gives a boost if she needs it. Well she didn’t cope with that at all and had to be put back onto the breathing tube. She went all white
and was in a state of shock for quite sometime. It was rather scary to see her like that.

6th November 2008

Baby has gained weight again and is now up to 470gms.
She had another heart scan today. Everything else remains the same except for one of her lungs has slightly collapsed from the pressure of her enlarged tummy.

5th November 2008

Baby’s weight has gone down to 430gm, which is okay because babies lose weight after they are born anyway.
The nurses and doctors have inserted what is called a longline into her right foot. This is for food, medicines etc and a much easier way to get blood from her.
Everything else is still pretty much the same.

4th November 2008

Her weight is still 46ogm - so no change there.
She was started on a blood transfusion today for her low red blood cells. This made me realise how important the people are that donate blood. Without it my daughter wouldn’t be able to get what she needs.
She had another heart scan today - still waiting for results.
They also did an x-ray on her abdomen to try and work out what is happening in her tummy.
Her phototherapy for her jaundice finished today - Yay!! I hated it because the blue lights made me get headaches and I couldn’t sit by her for very long.
Not much else has changed.

3rd November 2008

My baby now weighs 460gm, Wahoo!!!!
She had a scan for her head and heart today and the results for her head were normal and we have to wait as the one for her heart was unclear. They have to do a repeat scan.
Baby is still jaundice so is still under the lights for this.
Her tummy is still large so she has been put on continuous suction to try and alleviate this.

2nd November 2008

I managed to get myself out of bed and showered so I could go and visit my baby girl. I had to go down in the wheelchair as I wasn’t up for walking just yet.
I couldn’t believe how small my baby was, it was so unreal to believe that a human being could survive being born at that size. She had all of her fingers and toes and everything else was normal just really really little.
My baby had tubes coming out of everywhere and it was all rather frightening. But the nurses in the neonatal ward are fantastic and they explained what everything was for and how it was helping her.
She was a little bit jaundice so she had on some cool little shades and was noody sunbathing.
Her tummy is really round and large and at this stage it is the main concern for her. Everything else is stable and she is doing fantastic.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

1st November 2008

Well I was woken up at 6am to have an iv drip put into my arm. My veins aren’t very good so it took a bloody long time. I wanted to punch the doctor because she didn’t do it properly and I had said to her right from the start to put it in my hand. But no doctors know better!! Yeah right!! Anyway I tried to go back to sleep but didn’t really happen as doctors kept coming in to see me to let me know what was going to happen.
Just after 8am my brother in law Steve turned up with my father in law who had just got off the plane from Rarotonga. You can imagine how shocked he was to find out I was in the hospital. It was only a week ago that I was waving goodbye to him at the airport. They only stayed for about 10 minutes and then left as more doctors were coming in.
At 8.30am the midwife from the delivery suite came and said “Right come on let’s go!” I jumped out of bed absolutely shocked it was happening so quickly and we walked downstairs to the delivery suite. My Mum arrived soon after and got changed into her theatre gear. By this time my midwife Kuki had also arrived. We walked down the corridor into the theatre where I was greeted by what seemed like a million doctors and nurses in blue outfits wearing masks. I got straight up on the bed ready for the epidural. I have had an epidural before with Devante back in 1997 so I knew how unpleasant it was. It wasn’t until then that I actually realized what was going on and I started to cry. The doctors were telling me to relax, easy for them to say!! I finally got myself together enough for the epidural which hurt like bloody hell. Straight away I could feel my legs go warm and the doctors turned me around lay me down and then did their thing.
I was absolutely petrified that I was going to feel everything and it must have shown on my face. The anesthetist doctor must’ve noticed because he said to me “It’s okay love, they’ve already cut you so you aren’t going to feel anything if you can’t feel it now.”
I don’t know how long the actual procedure took but all I remember is hearing my precious little baby cry. At that point I completely lost it and couldn’t stop bawling. I thought the doctor had said it was a boy, but then the nurse said I had a little daughter. I couldn’t believe it. They brang her over to show me her before they whisked her off to the neonatal unit.

My baby girl was born at 10.05am and weighed only 440gms and measuring 25cm long.
I went into recovery at about 11.15am and Antz arrived soon after at around 11.30am. Him and mum went upstairs to see baby but they were getting ready to put her lines in so they came back downstairs. Antz doesn’t like to see those sort of things done to people he cares about hence the reason why he didn’t come in with me.
I didn’t get to see my daughter until the next day as I had to stay in bed and I got sick that night.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

31st October 2008

Due to unexplained ultrasounds I was sent to Wellington Hospital for another ultrasound. I was 26 weeks and my baby was very small for gestation. The doctors said it could be for a number of reasons but the main concern was my placenta. After about 10 minutes of scanning from Dr Jeremy Tuohey we were told to wait in the waiting room. I could tell the news wasn't going to be good. The wait seemed to take forever. It was myself, my partner Antz, my mother and my daughter Nimeesha (miss 4 turning 21). Once Jeremy came back in I knew from the look on his face that it was bad news.
He basically said we had 2 options, 1. leave baby in to grow or 2. deliver baby. My placenta was only working at about 10% and he didn't know why. Baby was getting lack of oxygen, blood and everything needed to grow, hence the reason why she was so small. If we left her inside me she would most surely die. If we deliver baby there was also risk of her dying. The doctor left us to ponder over what he'd just told us but to us the choice was obvious. We were told of the risks involved with her being delivered so early and being so small, it was a number of things including spina bifida, blindness, deformities etc. They also told me that the chance of her surviving was only 50% and she may not even make it out of theatre. I had an injection of steroids to help strengthen baby's lungs and then we were off home to pack my bags and tell everybody we needed what was happening.
By 2pm I was back at Wellington Hospital and admitted to Ward 12. Everything was happening so fast. That night I was given a tour of the neonatal unit and shown where my baby would go and what to expect. It was all rather scary because the smallest babies in there were only 700gms. My baby was going to be smaller so there were definetely a lot more risks involved.