Thursday, November 20, 2008

20th November 2008

Wow day 20 already! Time has seemed to pass us so quickly these last 20 days. But it seems as though we’ve been at the neonates for the last 2 months.
I rang the neonates today to see how my little girl was. I wasn’t expecting to hear anything bad. She had a rough night and day and had started weeing blood. They are thinking this is either a blockage or an infection. They’ve started her on antibiotics for it so at least they can get it early. She was also going up and down with her oxygen and at one point she needed 100%. She’s never needed that much so she’s obviously not a happy little girl.
When Antz got home from work we went in as soon as we could. James (bro in law) came and got our kids for us and Gwen (sis in law) was sorting out tea for them, so that was one less thing for us to worry about. Thanks guys.
When we got there her Aunty Rachel (my sister) was there with her. She wanted to wait for us to come and didn’t want to leave her on her own because she was so unsettled.
She was very jumpy and wouldn’t settle down. Her levels were going up and down quite a bit. She didn’t like any of the nurses touching her and would keep desaturating if they did. She responds okay to us and liked it when her daddy sang to her. She had been given a dose of antibiotics so her suction had been turned off. She was a different shad of colour compared to yesterday and looked generally unwell.
We stayed for a few hours and Paula, 1 of the neonate nurses, managed to settle her before we left. I felt a bit upset leaving her tonight because she looked so ill. I will ring them before I go to sleep to see how she is.
My poor little baby girl.

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