Friday, November 14, 2008

11th November 2008

My little girl had her operation today. We got to the hospital around 10am, we picked up my Mum along the way. By the time we got there she was in a little plastic bag looking thing designed to keep babies warm. They transported her over to theatre in a moveable incubator called “the spaceship”. It was really quite hard to see her that way and I couldn’t really get too close or I was gonna lose the plot. Antz almost did and 1 of the nurses was going to get the brunt of it.
She eventually went to theatre and was in there for a couple of hours, it seemed like forever. But we do what we do best and ate to bide our time.
When she eventually came out of theatre she looked a lot calmer than when she went in, I think it must’ve been the morphine!!
She takes after her dad!! Little junky!! She was pretty zonked out and they said she would stay like that for the next couple of days.
Dr Pringle was pleased with the operation and told us the results would be back within 48 hours as to why she was blocked up.
Dr Pringle is amazing!!!

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