Thursday, November 13, 2008

2nd November 2008

I managed to get myself out of bed and showered so I could go and visit my baby girl. I had to go down in the wheelchair as I wasn’t up for walking just yet.
I couldn’t believe how small my baby was, it was so unreal to believe that a human being could survive being born at that size. She had all of her fingers and toes and everything else was normal just really really little.
My baby had tubes coming out of everywhere and it was all rather frightening. But the nurses in the neonatal ward are fantastic and they explained what everything was for and how it was helping her.
She was a little bit jaundice so she had on some cool little shades and was noody sunbathing.
Her tummy is really round and large and at this stage it is the main concern for her. Everything else is stable and she is doing fantastic.

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