Monday, February 16, 2009

16th February 2009

Today me and Nimeesha caught the shuttle van in from Keneperu Hospital. She was buzzing out all the way there because it wasn’t our car and she got to sit right at the back by the window that opens. Then she was freaking out even more because the shuttle van door opens by a push of a button. It’s amazing what amuses kids. It was really nice going in by shuttle though because we got dropped off right outside the building and didn’t have far to go at all.
We got there in time for her 1pm feeding so Nimeesha held her while I gave her the bottle. She had about 10mls and then decided she was tired. So the rest was through the NGT. She had her feed and then for about 1 hour afterwards I had to hold her up because she was sore from her reflux. She didn’t vomit at all but you could see it was still very sore. My poor girl. She has started having medication for it, but it’s not just going to make it go away in a day or two.


Anonymous said...

my name is jodie collins i read about your baby in the city life news paper and was amazed how small your baby was!
i was just wondering why was she born so small? was it just because she was premeture or something else?

nicki said...

Hi Jodie

My placenta was only working at around 10% throughout the pregnancy but we didn't know that until the couple of weeks before I had her. My placenta was 2 shades of colour and there were patchy bits in it.