Tuesday, January 27, 2009

26th January 2009

Back to work for Antz today, and because he was working late I dropped off the kids at mum’s (it was my nephews birthday over there anyway) and I went in by myself. Baby has now reached 2kg. Her weight was 2000gms exactly!! I guess that means another cake!! They are cycling her on and off her TPN to give her liver a rest. Today it was off for half an hour tomorrow possibly 1 hour and they will gradually increase it to see how she copes. Last night she had a really crappy night as babies do, and was awake most of the night. She was a little bit irritable when I was there, so all she wanted to do was suck on her dummy. It is taking her a while to get used to her dummy because she associates anything put in her mouth as something bad. We just have to keep trying and get her used to it.

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