Sunday, December 28, 2008

25th December 2008

Christmas Day, what a bloody headache!! Our day started at 7am, the boys were awake first and we had to wake Nimeesha the little princess up. You could hear the boys when they went downstairs trying to be quiet but we could hear them. Once we got up the kids started to open their presents. It took them forever to go through their stocking so we told them to ditch it and open their presents. They got so much I don’t even know where to begin. We were thinking of opening up our own toy store. They got presents from heaps of people and
we want to thank everybody who has helped us out with gifts, money, babysitting and everything else I can’t even mention. It means so much to us, we still have a long road ahead of us and we thank everybody.
By the time we did our rounds and got into the hospital it was about 4pm. We took our kids in with us and they were quite happy to help their little sister open up her presents. The neonatal unit gave all of the babies a stocking with a Christmas duvet and a little teddy bear and lollies. We get to eat the lollies of course. She has got quite a big collection of gifts now I don’t know where I am going to keep everything.
I had a very nice cuddle with her today after our visitors had left. Her papa Nooroa and her big brother Nooroa, big sister Elaine, cousins Alisha and Shanice all visited today. The girls got told off because they opened up her doors and were touching her. Her papa and myself had already told them not to but they didn’t listen.
After we finished in town we went back to Antz’s nanas house for another feed. The kids did their normal play outside on the front lawn with the rugby league ball. They were playing for about half an hour when Cassius and his brother Devante fell on the ground. Cassius screamed straight away that his leg was broken. Everybody laughed at him except for me. We ended up bringing him home where one of our friends had a look at his leg. We iced it and gave him some pain relief and kept it elevated on the pillow. By this time it was about 9 or 10pm, she said to us if we were concerned to take him to Wellington but if it was broken they couldn’t do anything until tomorrow. So we put him to bed with some pain relief and waited to see how he was in the morning.

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