Monday, December 15, 2008

15th December 2008

Her weight today was still the same, 1000gms. She had her eye test this morning so her eyes were a bit sore. The test needs to be repeated in a couple of weeks, the eyes were okay, nothing unusual for a prem baby.
She was back onto cpap today which she is tolerating really well. She is back on feeds again, which she is having 3ml continuously over 3 hours, then 1 hour rest then feed again. This is to get her tummy used to having food again.
Her morphine is completely turned off, so she is handling the pain really really well. The big thing I noticed was that she was on her back and she had been for 2 hours. Before the operation she used to hate being on her back, this is a big improvement for her.
The surgeon has done an excellent job and I can’t thank her and her team enough for what they have done for my little girl.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Your girl is such a trouper.I cant believe how little she was. Its amazing. Well done trinity and well done mummy.