Thursday, December 11, 2008

11th December 2008

Well I forgot to check my daughter’s weight today, woopsy bad mother, don’t tell CYFS on me… I managed to get a cuddle in which was for a couple of hours so that was nice. I talked to the surgeon, Toni, and signed the consent form. Baby will have her surgery some time in the afternoon so hopefully we might get another quick cuddle in. There are a few risks involved with the surgery but we just need to be hopeful. From talking to other parents that have had the same thing done with their baby, it has all been positive and the baby makes a drastic improvement, so that’s something to look forward to. The surgery is going to take about 4 hours, so we are in for a very very long day tomorrow. We are going to try and get a cake baked tonight to keep all the nurses happy. Our cakes have become a bit famous in the unit. Oh and they did say that once she hits 1kg that will be 5 cakes. Now I don’t know about that, that might be pushing it a bit. We will try.
No visit for Daddy tonight though as we are going to Wellington Rugby League prize giving at the Petone workingman’s club. MMMM fooooodddd!! Well it will be good to get out and socialise with some other adults for once. The nurses at the neonates don’t count as adults, just joking guys!! Corinne was going to tape up my mouth today as she said I’m a naughty mother!! Hahahaha watch out parents, she’s really the naughty one.
I will let you all know how her surgery goes but if I don’t get a chance to post on the blog, be patient and I will try and get it done on Saturday or Sunday.

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