Saturday, August 29, 2009

Starship Hospital

Well what a week! Here I am up in Starship Hospital in Auckland. My girl was admitted to wellington hospital on Monday with a collapsed lung yet again. All week her oxygen had been dropping quite low but they couldn't figure out why. Thursday they put her onto cpap because she couldn't cope. She kept on going blue quite a few times. I knew something was wrong. I was up in the Ronald McDonald room when a nurse came screaming in there. I was running so fast I nearly tripped over her! She had gone into respiritory arrest. When I grabbed her hand there was no life whatsoever. I text Antz and just said come now. He rang me and I was screaming at him. He was there in about 5min. It took them 4min to get her breathing again. We were taken to ICU where they ventilated her and kept her sedated. The next day starship flew down to get us. Me and my Mum came up and Antz will come next week. She is stable for now and today she will have lots of tests done to see what's wrong. The staff here are great and I'm happy we have a room to sleep in and 3 meals a day.


angelphilsmum said...

OMG you poor things!!! That must have been so scary. I hope things look up for you soon!! angelphilsmum

Jock and Ange said...

Not a moment goes by that we are not thinking of you and your family take care, hang in there, be strong.

Best wishes and all our love

Steve,Ange,Tegan,Gracyn (trinny,s old room mate)

Ahipara Girl said...

Hi, we're Rachel's friends and live in the Bay. Via Facebook we have followed your journey. Our prayers and thoughts are with you all. God bless and keep you through this time. Hugs. Rachelle Toimata.

Jules said...

Hey there, I went to Tawa College with Rach and came here via her Facebook page. I just want to say that my best wishes and love are headed your way.

Mel n Jules said...

Hi guys
Thanks for forwarding the address to Trinity-Storms site. Will keep following her progress. From our family to yours, all the love and hope...keep strong...Mel, Jules and Sydney xox