Wednesday, August 19, 2009

August 19th 2009

Well here we are back at home. We've been home for 2 days and it's been great! She has got back into her routine of sleeping all night!!!! But why do I still feel tired? She is on a different kind of formula again and is having solids. It's so funny watching her try and eat because she kinda rolls her tongue when she eats. She also thinks that she has to put her hand in her mouth, so you can imagine how messy it is when she eats. Oh and the food all gets up in and around her oxygen prongs.
I had a very busy weekend while my Mum stayed at the hospital. I was helping out with the wellington rugby league senior finals on Saturday and then Devante's team was in the finals on Sunday. It was a great weekend but very very tiring.
On Saturday Antz's uncle Tupuna Akavi passed away. Very very sad. So he has been busy cooking at the marae every day so the only time we see him is in the morning. We don't even see him come home at night. To top all that off yesterday morning Uncle Tupuna's sister, Aunty Tepua passed away. Very very sad days for the Akavi whanau.
I just wish I could be up at the marae helping out in some way. I haven't even been able to go up there. Me and my girl haven't left the house since she came home. I'm sure the family will understand.
My girl will be having a camera put down into her lungs when she is better to see why she keeps having bronchiolitis and why her lungs keep on collapsing. She has been in about 4 times this winter with the same thing. She may also need to have an operation for her reflux. Just when I thought operations were over for her.

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