Monday, August 31, 2009

31st August 2009

Well we have had a few rocky days and we are still not out of the woods yet. Because her lungs were so underdeveloped when she was born she was always going to have lung problems, hence her chronic lung disease. Some babies grow out of it as they get bigger and some can't cope because they are so small. My girl is super small but she is still hanging in there, and isn't about to give up yet. As her lungs are working harder her heart has to work extra hard. Over the months her heart has been working so hard to keep up with the pressure in her lungs so it has started to deteriorate. She actually went into cardiac arrest on Saturday night and we nearly lost her. They can't guarantee she won't do it again but she is getting drugged up on so much medications to prevent it. She is being kept fully sedated because any sudden movements or changes can trigger another episode off. At the moment she is stable and is coping okay. So for now we are happy with that but we are waiting for more tests and results to be done.


Unknown said...

Hi Guys,
Jules Nathan pointed me to your site and it is amazing reading your journey. I went to school with Jules. We are in Sydney and on the 21st June 2008 gave birth to Toby at 24 weeks and 4 days gestation weighing 669grams which dropped to 555grams. Toby too has CLD but looking back over everything that could go wrong we have had things pretty easy. Toby is doing really well and has only been back in hospital one (this was for 6 weeks though!!). What a roller coaster journey it is, and your in particular has been very difficult. I am thinking of you and will look at your updates. What a fighter your wee one is!! Take care
Angela Bensemann

Anonymous said...

Come on sweet heart you can do it! Lots of love and prayers from
Catriona Greig aka theanimal1 on trademe.

Jules said...

Hey, Angela doesn't realise I was buddies with Rachel and you have no idea who I am. LOL.

Keep on fighting the fight. :)

Anonymous said...

All the best!! hope everything goes well...much love troy rach and lincoln xoxo