Thursday, June 18, 2009

18th June 2009

Yes well we have made Ward 19 our home for the next couple of weeks at least. We were told yesterday that it could take 2 days or it could take 2 weeks for her lung to reinflate itself. And at the moment her breathing isn't that great so we are nowhere near to going home. If all that wasn't bad enough, I gave her a bath today and what did I found, a hernia in her genital area. Immediately the doctor came and said it was very uncommon for girls to get it, but nothing is simple with my girl. He pushed it back in and it was fine, when it comes out we just have to push it back in. If it doesn't go back in then she will need emergency surgery, which at the moment she is too unwell so fingers crossed it stays okay. Mr Pringle will come and check it in the morning. Eventually she will have to have it operated on otherwise it can cause problems. Just when I thought all of her surgeries were over.
Sometimes I feel like I'm hitting my head against a brick wall!!! My kids haven't seen me for over a week now and they are starting to wonder whether or not I am going home. I spent quite a bit of time upstairs in the Ronald McDonald room today. I never knew we could help ourselves to the food up there. It's a lot better than eating 2 minute noodles for dinner. All I want is a home cooked meal and my own bed to sleep in. I might need somebody to swap with me for 1 night so I don't go insane. I am working on Saturday at the stadium so my Mum will come in and be with her, Antz has to referee on Saturday so he can't come in. At least I will get to go outside and be part of civilization for a few hours. Then on Sunday Freda is going to come in and I will go and watch Devante play league. He is playing just up the road from the hospital so at least my kids can come in after the game and see their sister.
Oh yeah and Swine flu is in the ward above us. Won't be long and we will probably all have it as well, Just another thing we don't need.
Anyway time to go and try and get some sleep before her next feed which she just mostly cries through and then cries for the next hour after it. Fun times!!!!

1 comment:

Jules said...

Wow Nicki, have just been reading through parts of your blog and am amazed at the ups and downs you have gone through. I really admire your strength, a weaker woman would have faltered by now.