Monday, September 28, 2009

25th September 2009

After only 2 days of being at home with our little girl we were heading straight back into Wellington Hospital. She had a really runny nose and had a cough. They wanted to make sure she didn't get worse and to keep a close eye on her.
The consultant in Auckland told us to keep her oxygen on half a litre but the nurses kept trying to turn it down. I had to explain it over and over again why. It is too fast too soon to turn it down she will get sick all over again.
The good news was that the doctors said her lungs were doing great and she didn't have any wheeze in her chest.
On Sunday the 27th we were allowed to go home again and so far so good. She still has a runny nose and a bit of a cough but isn't as bad as the last time. She is really enjoying being at home and I'm glad it is school holidays because we can just lock ourselves in the house.
I've told everybody that they need to ring first before visiting. No kids allowed. No colds, coughs, sneezes. Some people don't understand why I'm being so picky but my daughter's life depends on staying well. A simple cold is enough to kill her and I saw her die twice and I am not about to see it again.

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