Wednesday, March 31, 2010

March Update

Sorry for the length between updates but there isn't really a lot to say. Trinz has been keeping reasonably well and we have still managed to avoid any hospital stays. She has only been checked over a couple of times and has been fine. We have had a fair share of appointments lately though. We have seen the paediatrician, dietitian, neuro develop mentalist, speech language therapist, plunket, paed nurse and the list goes on. She is doing really well at the moment and is not actually too far behind her peers. She is 17 months old tomorrow, she still can't sit up as it is still too hard for her to breathe. Lately she has decided she doesn't want to have her CPAP on at night. This doesn't seem to be affecting her too much, however we are due back to Starship in May and I hope it doesn't have too much of an effect on her treatment and well being.
The rest of the family has been okay, although the last month was a bit hard for Noo and Elaine. It was 1 year since their mum had passed away. The day was really hard for them and we tried to distract them with their little sister Nimeesha's 6th birthday. They don't often talk about her but I know they want to.
We are still keeping sick people away from our house and still don't take her out that much. There have been a few trips to supermarkets and malls with her, but that's with nobody touching her.
She is about 7kg at the moment and is completely off food. She won't even touch it or taste it, so she is still tube fed and it is still the nj tube. This is working okay at the moment and at least she is getting food into her. Although we would like to see it out and her eating properly but I can't see this happening anytime soon as she isn't allowed to have any liquids, as they go down the airway tube.
There are some people out there that are criticising us having this blog for our daughter and questioning how we raise her and what we do in our spare time. All I have to say is "worry about your own lives and stay out of ours" If we go away for a few days by ourselves without our kids, is that any reason to say we are bad parents? Don't you think we deserve a break? Does it really matter that we went to a reggae festival? And an auction that was run to raise money for our daughter had nothing to do with us, Wellington Rugby League organised that all behind our backs and told us about it only a few weeks before because we weren't going to be in town then. So what if they wanted to raise money for her. Do you know how much money it cost to look after a child like her?? NO!! Because you don't have a child like her do you. Do you think it's cheap going to Auckland every 6 months? Do you think we have an endless supply of money?? MMMM must be the magic money tree. And as for all the websites we so called have for our daughter, this is the only 1, and the reason it was set up in the first place was so we didn't have to repeat ourselves to everybody and they could read all about her in their own time. And this is also for her when she gets old enough to read it. So if you don't like it I advise you not to read it. And this isn't exploiting my daughter in any way at all.


Rach Starx said...

Haters will be haters no matter what you do. Unfortunately these people who like to pass judgement and make out they are hard done by, should butt out and let you get on with looking after your special little girl. They obviously havent been nosey enough to see the struggles you go through everyday just to make sure this poppet is alive!!! No sleep some nights, missing out on doing stuff with the other kids, relying on two or three other competent people to help out when you HAVE to go out. So what you guys went to Raggamuffin, the kids were well and cared for. You never stop thinking about how they are doing but sometimes you have to get away from the chaos and re-energize your system (mind and body)... People should keep their lack of understanding to themselves and obviously dont care that this little girl fights everyday just to stay alive and be here!!! She is a very precious little girl and deserves all that she can be given and it pisses me off when I see or hear comments that you just want handouts!!!! Do people honestly think that a family with 6 kids and one income are rolling in cash!!! Get off your high horses and step into the real world. Got a problem with the truth...feel free to keep it up, cos karma will come back and kick you in the butt!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Good grief I can't believe people have commented on your lives. I have followed your wee girls journey since she arrived(trade me). I too know what it is like to have a medically fragile child, it is a tremendous struggle emotionally, physically and financially. You So deserve to have time away, to have some money to ease the financail burden and everything else good that happens. Ignore these people, take time and enjoy your moments we do.
I love catching up on Trinz, so thank you for sharing.


nicki said...

Thanks everybody for the nice comments

Anonymous said...

I also can't believe people would judge a family when they have absolutely no friggin idea what it must have been like for you and your family.
You deserve each and every (and way more) "alone" moments you can possible have.
And if a community is kind enough to organise a fundraiser.... how fabulous for you.
I love catching up with Trinity and her family - please do keep the updates coming because the people in the real world take our hats off to you!!

Anonymous said...

Hi, I have been following this amazing journey that you guys have been on and i think you are awesome people - as i dont think many of us would be able to cope with what you are living with on a daily basis. To all those negative people - there lives are obviously boring and sad and they have nothing better to do than stick ther nose in when it is not needed. Take care and i will be watching your story xxx

Anonymous said...

OMG Nic, people say stuff like that??? WTF... Clearly they have not had a premature baby.
xxx Katrina and Bella!

Anonymous said...

Hi Nicki
I too have been following Trinity and your journey. She is an amazing wee girl flanked by incredible parents and gorgeous siblings. We too have an ex 25weeker, she is now approaching 2 1/2 (I learned about you through Katrina and Bella) and had a 2 1/2 year old son when we spent our time in the unit, I can't imagine how tough it would have been with 5 children!! I take my hat off to you for keeping this journal for Trinity - it will be so precious for her when she's older and for you - days and months go by in a fog sometimes, especially hard times like you've been through. Ignore the negative people that may have dared make comment, if only they walked a day in someones shoes of life with an incredibly fragile premmie.
Sending thoughts to you all, Anna