Thursday, November 5, 2009

She finally made it

Wow what a year! My baby has finally turned 1. What a rocky road we have had to get this far. I never even imagined 1 year ago that we would've even made it to her 1st birthday. It's been such a journey for everybody involved in her life, but especially my family. My kids have been through so much with their little sister and they understand so much more than what we think. Right from the start they have been there, they have cried at times because it used to upset them. When I showed Nimeesha (my 5 year old) the little video I had made she started crying. She said it was just so sad. Their sister means the world to them and if anything happened they would be so devastated.
Her birthday was a good one. We didn't have everybody there we would have liked to. A lot of the family had flus and chicken pox so it was just the people that weren't unwell. She managed to stay awake through most of her birthday and conked out towards the end. I think she was wondering why there was so many people looking at her but they weren't dressed in blue scrubs or had doctors coats and stethoscopes.
Antz was great and he thanked everybody for all the help and support they've given us and he thanked our kids (and made them cry!). The kids have probably been through the most this year. Getting shoved around from person to person, getting dragged up to Auckland, not seeing me or their sister for sometimes weeks.
I want to thank all of the people that have helped us out this year and haven't judged us as parents, because we couldn't have been able to do what we needed to, to be with Trinity-Storm without the help of others.
She is still a very fragile baby and will probably be like this for the next few years, so please bear with us if we ever turn you away or turn down family events. It was so hard going to starship and watching her fight for her life, she fights for her life everyday, but that was especially hard when we were so close to the heavens gates. All of the praying and thoughts that everybody sent her definitely worked, and the fact that she is a fighter and will never ever give up.


Meg said...

well done you guys, she is looking beautiful

Anonymous said...

happy belated birthday you beautiful strong brave wee girl xxx
from theanimal1 on trademe

Anonymous said...

People on trademe are asking about you guys, alot forget you were/are a trademe member, hope everything is going well, look forward to reading more updates on your brave strong daughter xxx

theanimal1 aka catriona greig.

Anonymous said...

What a wonderful milestone! ... and what a tremendous journey your family has taken! Happy birthday to your precious wee girl!!

from shrike1 on trademe
(mum of an ex-26 weeker who will be 8yrs old in January!)

dragonlover said...

hi there! kelly & bobby here, our baby hunter was her room mate in picu, we have been thinking of you guys alot now thanks to some trade me mums posting your blog we found you. shes looking great! happy birthday!! hunter still has your toy hehe. love to you both and hope to catchup with you all sometime.xoxo

kelly & bobby (dragonlover1 on trade me)