Thursday, January 15, 2009

14th January 2009

Our little girl has been putting on weight and losing weight so we are not quite sure what her actual weight is now. Once she has recovered and started eating again then we can get a true reading of her weight. She had a little cry tonight when we got there, but apparently she had been behaving all day and decided to play up when we got there. Nothing unusual for our little madam.
We spent quite a bit of time tonight visiting other babies, well we always do, but tonight we were saying goodbye to one of the young mums that we have come to know. She was getting ready to head back to Palmy any day from tomorrow, so just incase we didn’t see her again we sat with her for a while. It is really hard to be a parent of a baby in the neonates but to be a young parent is extra stressful, so we just wanted to make sure she was okay and keeping on the right track. Good luck to her and her baby and hopefully we can catch up with them in a few years time.

1 comment:

ramekaclan said...

man Nikcy, u r amazing, Trinity has the best family! its great about your connection with the others in there, truely only yall know waht is really like during this time. Though ive had the experience of a number of my youngens being in hospital at the same time, it hasnt been in this scenario. Pati is in there (once again) at the mo actually, a sneak visit would be awsome! well take care anyway,luv yall,